Newport NP Teresa Powell (949) 688 6883

Joint Injectable Options

Injectables For Osteoarthritis Hyaluronic acid, Synvisc, Stem Cell and PRP therapy all fall under injectable procedures – which means that no incisions or other openings in the body need to be made. This gives them far more flexibility for patient application compared to surgery, and far fewer complications compared to stronger treatments like steroids. Here’s a brief breakdown of how each treatment works: Injectables For Osteoarthritis Hyaluronic acid, Synvisc, Stem Cell and PRP therapy all fall under injectable procedures – which means that no incisions or other openings in the body need to be made. This gives them far more flexibility for patient application compared to surgery, and far fewer complications compared to stronger treatments like steroids. Here’s a brief breakdown of how each treatment works: 

👉🏼Hyaluronic acid injections ONLY address the SYMPTOMS of knee osteoarthritis, not the underlying cause itself. While it’s an excellent way to get pain relief and improve the mobility of the joint, it doesn’t stop the cartilage from degenerating. Up to 6 months of relief. Does not stop the progression of osteoarthritis. 

👉🏼 Synvisc: it doesn’t do much to slow down or stop the degenerative cause of knee osteoarthritis. The best that patients can expect from this treatment is pain relief, though the efficacy of these injections will vary from person to person. 👉🏼PRP: platelets are responsible for the majority of your body’s wound healing response, higher levels of platelets in your system can encourage cell regrowth and regeneration, which can repair the cartilage between your joints. This largely gets rid of the symptoms associated with knee osteoarthritis, and can even prevent the condition from progressing any further. Platelets turn into Growth Factors within 10min of the injection. These are your natural stem cells. Natural anti-inflammatory. Excellent Longterm treatment. 

👉🏼Stem Cells: most advanced regenerative procedures used to treat knee osteoarthritis is stem cell therapy. Using immature cells harvested from bone marrow, providers can inject them into your joints directly. These immature cells can then turn into additional cartilage, which can integrate seamlessly into your existing cartilage to further cushion your joints. The effects of stem cell treatment can also release anti-inflammatory compounds that can decrease the pain that knee osteoarthritis patients experience, while also improving overall movement and mobility long-term. While the treatment can be difficult to access, there’s plenty of evidence that indicates it can be an excellent long-term treatment option for osteoarthritis of the knee. This has a high price point and multiple treatments may be necessary for optimal results.